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gon by yay

Hand cream made with care and mixtures of


Virgin coconut oil + Shea butter + Vitamin E.

Paraben free & Alcohol free


Available in 5 scents contained in aluminum tube.

1. Vanilla Honey No.46

2. Wallflowers No.92

3. Young Rascals No.69

4. Melon Berries No.24

5. Tropical Havana No.78

Vanilla Honey / No.46

450 ฿

Sweet Mellow with Vanilla Honey

Wallflowers / No.92

450 ฿

blend with many Thai's Flowers

Young Rascals / No.69

450 ฿

Best seller of Gon by yay special for everyone

Melon Berries / No.24

450 ฿

Melon and Mix all of Berries fruit

Tropical Havana / No.78

450 ฿

Lemongrass + Peppermint Asian style

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"I always use after smoke"

Let's try our

popular kid

"Young Rascals"

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